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Hey, thrum. I know you believe it can’t be done. But I’m finally ready to show you that I can do it. I’m the one.
I know that hitting MonoCorp is going to save me, but it’s going to do something so much bigger: it will finally show you and the world that they’re vulnerable.
They can bleed.
I got my hands on the tech to do this right. It’s my last shot. I know how they handle things if I slip. It’s how they’ve handled all my friends over the years.
But, I’m ready to do this right.
This run will make up for everything.
I’m sorry.
After a few test runs I think I’m getting the hang of this setup.
Soon, I’ll make my run on Deep Register and you’ll see.
Shine the light.
auth %y pr15m_8r34k ~ % Message_Ends/ Auth_TX/